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"Be fruitful and multiply; Populate the earth abundantly and multiply in it." - Genesis 9:7


Catholic natural family planning (NFP) is a way to avoid or achieve pregnancy based on awareness of a woman’s fertility. Fertility issues are often a difficult topic to discuss, but there are amazing ministries that help with just that. See what resources we have found that can help bring clarity and light when you are planning your family. 

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Natural Family Planning

Catholic natural family planning (NFP) is a way to avoid or achieve pregnancy based on awareness of a woman’s fertility. Fertility issues are often a difficult topic to discuss, but there are amazing ministries that help with just that. See what resources we have found that can help bring clarity and light when you are planning your family.

Natural Family Planning - Resource: National

The Couple to Couple League (CCL) is an international, Catholic, non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and teaching fertility awareness (natural family planning) to married and engaged couples. Essentially, we are a volunteer organization because services are provided by professionally trained volunteers who are supported by a small staff at the international headquarters in Cincinnati, Ohio. Local chapters of the organization consist of certified teaching couples and promoters, along with other supportive members.

Vitae Fertility

Natural Family Planning - Resource: National

Your body is amazing. Human fertility is beautiful, and even a little mysterious. At Vitae Fertility Education we are passionate about empowering women and couples by teaching them how to read and interpret their natural fertile rhythms, allowing them to work with their fertility instead of suppressing it.

Vitae Fertility Education teaches the Marquette Method of Natural Family Planning (NFP), a highly effective method of NFP that employs the Clearblue line of home-based fertility monitors to track women’s hormone changes throughout each menstrual cycle.

Well Family Medicine

Well Family Medicine - Resource: Virginia

At WellFamily Medicine we believe that Family Medicine is the cornerstone of high quality medical care. We want to be your primary health care resource. Our experienced team can manage the majority of medical issues, and if you require the services of a specialist we will act as a “quarterback” coordinating your care. If you require hospital admission we are lucky to have both Sentara Martha Jefferson and the University of Virginia Hospital available to our patients. If you are admitted to Sentara Martha Jefferson we will be a part of your admission team.

Natural Family Planning - Resource: International

Natural Family Planning International exists to help people learn the practice of natural family planning within the context of the teaching of the Catholic Church.

Our approach to natural family planning is The Complete Approach because it regards you as a complete person who is much more than just your fertility. This approach is also the Original Content of the Triple Strand consisting of Ecological Breastfeeding, the Covenant theology of the marriage act, and the systematic natural family planning involving all the fertility signs.Vitae Fertility Education teaches the Marquette Method of Natural Family Planning (NFP), a highly effective method of NFP that employs the Clearblue line of home-based fertility monitors to track women’s hormone changes throughout each menstrual cycle.

Natural Family Planning - Resource: National

We offer a variety of ways to learn and use SymptoPro Fertility Education, including our popular online course, in-person classes, and our handy charting program which allows you to communicate securely with your certified instructor.

SymptoPro Fertility Education teaches the Sympto-Thermal method of family planning and has been providing quality, personalized, instruction for over 35 years. Our classes are informative, personal, and discreet. More and more couples are discovering the benefits of charting their fertility, and in response, we offer two ways to take our course.

Natural Family Planning - Resource: National

The Saint Paul VI Institute, founded in 1985 by Thomas W. Hilgers, MD, is internationally recognized for its outstanding achievements in the field of natural fertility regulation and reproductive medicine of scientific research and educational program development; allied health professional education programs for couples and professionals; professional, caring, and morally acceptable patient services.

The Saint Paul VI Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction is building a culture of life in women’s health care through its major developments — Creighton Model FertilityCare System and NaProTechnology.

Natural Family Planning - Resource: National

The Billings Ovulation Method® is a simple, yet scientific, natural method of fertility management that teaches you to recognize the body’s natural signs of fertility. Pure and simple! Based on over 50 years of ongoing scientific research, the Billings Ovulation Method® is a highly effective, yet simple way to postpone or achieve pregnancy and monitor reproductive health without drugs or devices.

The Billings Ovulation Method® can work effectively for women whether they are coming off hormonal contraceptives, breastfeeding, weaning or approaching menopause. Regardless of the particular situation, the four simple rules of the method are the same for everyone. The effectiveness of the Billings Method™ has been published in numerous medical journals including, Lancet, Contraception, Fertility and Sterility, British Medical Journal, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology as well as by the World Health Organization.

Natural Family Planning - Resource: International

Family of the Americas Foundation (FAF) was founded in 1977 as a non-profit educational organization dedicated to promoting programs for the family as well as uplifting and strengthening women and families worldwide. Through education in the Ovulation Method of Natural Family Planning, we help couples who are trying to conceive or those who wish to postpone pregnancy.

Our organization focuses on research and practical application to couples worldwide. We have trained over 25,000 teachers in more than 100 countries since our founding in 1977. Our challenge today is to continually renew and support this network and expand our efforts in starting new centers, around the world.

Natural Family Planning - Resource: National

Are you looking for a teacher to help you learn the Marquette Model of Natrual Family Planning? Use this helpful directory to find a teacher in your area or one online.

Natural Family Planning - Resource: National

FertilityCare Centers of America (FCCA) is a non-profit corporation founded by the developer of the CREIGHTON MODEL FertilityCare System (CrMS), Thomas W. Hilgers MD, in 1999. CrMS is the innovative system which, for the first time, networks family planning with a woman's reproductive and gynecologic health. The purpose of FCCA is to unite and promote CrMS educational services through local FertilityCare Centers. FCCA manages a network of over 300 nationally and internationally affiliated FertilityCare Centers that provide instruction in CrMS. To ensure the quality control and standardization of all CrMS services provided, each FertilityCare Center affiliated with FCCA must have a Responsible Creighton Model Practitioner who is formally trained and certified in CrMS.

Natural Family Planning - Resource: National

The CREIGHTON MODEL FertilityCare System (CrMS) provides comprehensive, professional services through individualized follow-up, standardized teaching tools, and ongoing research. It is the only education program in this field that meets the education demands of a newly emerging allied health profession and provides a case management approach to teaching. Dr. Thomas W. Hilgers’ pivotal discovery is the standardized observations of the CrMS menstrual and fertility cycles. Women chart with the system for gynecologic health maintenance, and couples use it to achieve or avoid pregnancy. Trained physicians can read a woman’s CrMS chart universally — this is the key to unraveling the mysteries of the menstrual and fertility cycle.


Natural Family Planning - Resource: National

Helping married couples to deepen conjugal love and achieve responsible parenthood is part of the Church's total pastoral ministry to Catholic spouses. Fulfillment of this ministry includes both education and pastoral care. This means "instilling conviction and offering practical help to those who wish to live out their parenthood in a truly responsible way" (Familiaris consortio, 35).


The Church, with sincere compassion and empathy for couples struggling with infertility, offers guidance and hope through her teachings on how to understand and approach infertility in a way that reverences and protects the dignity of the human person and respects God's divine plan for married love.

Springs in the Desert

Infertility - Resource: National

Springs in the Desert is a community of support born of the shared pain of infertility and the blessing of friendship which grew from it. Kimberly Henkel, PhD and Ann M. Koshute, MTS, met while studying at the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family. Years later they met again and discovered not only their common struggle with infertility, but found that many pastors and family life ministers expressed feeling ill-equipped to deal with an issue as sensitive and nuanced as infertility.  Even friends and family members often didn’t know what to say or how to offer their support. Kimberly and Ann soon discovered that the isolation and sense of not belonging they experienced as a result of infertility were not unique to them. They founded Springs in the Desert as an organization to offer spiritual and emotional accompaniment and solidarity to those carrying the cross of infertility. Our Team is here to meet you wherever you are on this path, to walk with you with hope in Christ, and to create a safe place for your story to be heard and understood.

Infertility - Resource: National

Stationed out of Austin, Texas, Sarah’s Hope & Abraham’s Promise was created as part of the Rabboni Institute to offer healing and support services for those struggling with infertility, pregnancy loss and for those celebrating the adoptive triad. Realizing that each of these circumstances requires a unique approach to offer effective healing, we have designed support programs, curriculums, retreats and prayer services that specifically target the hearts of the families in these struggles, helping them reclaim hope, joy and ultimately fruitfulness. Our Infertility division not only offers support and hope but also educates on the bioethical issues associated with fertility treatments. As an alternative, SHAP teaches NaPro Technology as the most viable option for preserving the health of the female and male bodies as well as preserving the dignity of the marital act and the child to be.

Hannah's Tears

Infertility - Resource: National

We offer prayer support and comfort to the brokenhearted who suffer the pains of infertility at any stage of life, difficult pregnancy, miscarriage, stillbirth, the loss of a child and the adoption process.


Infertility - Resource: National

Though the fig tree does not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines, the produce of the olive fail and the fields yield no food . . . yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. (Habakkuk 3: 17-18)Struggling with infertility and miscarriage is a great burden for couples, especially when they so deeply desire to live out their vocation to welcome the gift of children from God. All may seem hopeless. In moments such as these, remember that despite infertility, couples "can have a married life that is filled with love and meaning" (see Married Love and the Gift of Life). It is important to remember that infertile couples are fruitful when their married love is "open to others, to the needs of the apostolate ... the needs of the poor...the needs of orphans" and to the world (St. John Paul II, Homily, 1982; quoted in Married Love and the Gift of Life).

Archdiocese of Baltimore

NFP - Educational: Maryland

Natural Family Planning (NFP) or Fertility Awareness are the general titles for the scientific, natural and moral methods of family planning that can help married couples either achieve or postpone pregnancies. NFP methods are based on the observation of the naturally occurring signs and symptoms of the fertile and infertile phases of a woman’s menstrual cycle. No drugs, devices, or surgical procedures are used to avoid pregnancy. Since the methods of NFP respect the love-giving (unitive) and life-giving (procreative) nature of the conjugal act, they support God’s design for married love!

Human Life International

Infertility - Educational: International

Those who suffer from infertility may naturally seek out a technological solution. But, as we have seen, the most common assisted reproductive procedures, including in-vitro fertilization, not only constitute offenses against the unity of husband and wife, they commodify human life. They are extremely expensive, have high failure rates, and tend to result in higher rates of birth defects, and women often suffer severe side effects from hyperovulation treatments. Infertile Catholic couples should instead look into the rapidly‑growing field of alternative procedures that can actually restore fertility in most cases.

PertuaLife Care, Inc.

NFP & Infertility - Educational: International

Our Mission is to foster the Catholic ethic of human life, fertility, and sexuality as intended by God and according to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. The corporation gently educates women and men about the gift of fertility, promotes authentically Catholic reproductive health care, and provides support to those suffering in other ways related to their fertility.

Beginning Catholic

Infertility - Resource: National

Springs in the Desert is a community of support born of the shared pain of infertility and the blessing of friendship which grew from it. Kimberly Henkel, PhD and Ann M. Koshute, MTS, met while studying at the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family. Years later they met again and discovered not only their common struggle with infertility, but found that many pastors and family life ministers expressed feeling ill-equipped to deal with an issue as sensitive and nuanced as infertility.  Even friends and family members often didn’t know what to say or how to offer their support. Kimberly and Ann soon discovered that the isolation and sense of not belonging they experienced as a result of infertility were not unique to them. They founded Springs in the Desert as an organization to offer spiritual and emotional accompaniment and solidarity to those carrying the cross of infertility. Our Team is here to meet you wherever you are on this path, to walk with you with hope in Christ, and to create a safe place for your story to be heard and understood.